Exhibit your Elegance with Fashion Suits
It is very important that what you wear enhance your style and personality, as dressing determine man's impression. When you meet someone first time, your dressing plays an important role in making impression. You can dress according to time and events. It is vital to make a "good" and strong first impression.
It is easier to make a great first impression with your appearance and then follow up by showing what a capable, impressive and trustworthy person you are, with a winning performance. The clothing we choose makes a significant impact. This is such an important area, in which we can build the greatest impression. What you wear makes a difference in how you influence the world.
Few Tips:
The fit factor should fit comfy, but not tight around the upper body.
Make sure there is just enough room to slip a hand inside the breast flap of your Fashion Suit. Jacket sleeves should drop to just above the palm of the hand.
Wide lapels, shirt collars and neckties can overwhelm a slender physique in double breasted attire.
Conversely, narrow shoulders, tie and collars magnify the proportions of fuller-figured men. And the width of a necktie also should be in proportion to coat lapels.
Standard cuffs, with functioning buttons, ticket pockets and side vents are small touches that can add a lot to a linen wear.
Pleated pants tend to make legs and hips appear wider, while flat-front pants create the opposite effect.
Navy looks great in the office, and it works at night as well.
The best color for a Fashion suits is black and you have a choice of wearing black or brown shoes and accessories for it.
Double vents in the rear can billow unflatteringly on men with prodigious backsides.
Patterns such as plaids and stripes tend to exaggerate the proportions of large men, while making the contours of a slender man more prominent.
Cuff-free slacks tend to elongate the look of the leg. Cuffed pants have a truncating effect because the vertical line is disrupted.

Men's Suits: Make Your Fascinated Wardrobe
Making distinct wardrobe is a difficult task and will take long time to have best and special collections of various types and styles of suits. It definitely takes long time but you will look great and also feel confident in any work situation. There are many suggestions which might help you to make your exceptional wardrobe.
Men's Suit Wardrobe - Two Week Collection
In your wardrobe, if you can make collections for at least two weeks than your dressing looks different with variations in styles. It will allow your clothing time to relax from wearing wrinkling cloths and will help eliminate excessive wear, resulting in a longer life span of the valuable suits. There are various types of suits and you can select different types of suits usually suitable to any occasions. The various styles of attires available in Mensitaly and they are
Single breasted style
Double breasted style with Two Button
Three Button attires
Vented and tailcoat attires
Pinstripe fashion wear
Navy blue and charcoal gray suits are considered as more conservative, with earth tones are fine but black is always considered as more popular and fashionable among business people as well as by fashion industry. Here are some tips of blending model, pattern, and fabric weight to produce a wardrobe that will cover many needs.
Your first suit should be of Navy blue color suit. The two button single breasted style with medium weight is ideal for interviews, presentation, business meeting and every day use.
Your second one should be three button or two Button Charcoal gray with medium or heavy weight. This will give a conservative business look in any weather.
Your third one should be double breasted in style. You can select the one that match best with your personality. Double breasted is appropriate for business wear and can be worn at daytime and also for social occasions.
Your fourth one should be Fashion suit. It can be three button, solid and of medium weight. Black colored one gives you stylish look.
Now you can say that you have made good start to make your ideal wardrobe. But you need to add more collection for unique wardrobe. Now get ready to add pants, dress shirts, jacket, sport coats, and accessories in your wardrobe.